1.6.5 update log!

nerfed bella the unforgiven

bella and cid shadow now has a 4th team member if you havent unlocked the ninja from Roth

added random stats for all gears but white, random stats have a variance of 5 , this will be built upon with blues purples and opranges having higher stat ceilings

fixed tera forest quest sign, whats with this thing

the warping squares got broke, what is going on?!-fixed'

random stat blues have higher stat caps

added more random stat gears to farm around rabenguard\cave areas

added npc around over world that tells you about benefits of selling old gears
added cave ogre in caves and rabenguard that has farmable gears

added zombie king dungeon, its ver low development time and offers good rewards to heroes that dare to proceed, zombie king respawns and offers you to get powerful loot such as the stealable "Zombie King Blade"


The Forgotten Shards 1.6.5.zip 620 MB
Mar 20, 2024

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