1.7.1 Devlog!

execute damage decreased

execute bleed reduced from 10% hp per turn to 5

dragon and stone stances wont go away with battle end

added   boss mimic before tera left side

armors that change attack command will now properly show the name of the skill changed

added ability to make states change the guard skill

added magic legendaries for berserkers, look its not for the class but for a unique magic berserker build. Its kinda fun tbh. Farmed from queen slime in ice dungeon 4% drop

Magic Shield makes  bloodlust give +200% magic attack

some chests were not saying what they contained, fix up to Rotherhithe

Roth now carries recovery armor

fixed glitch that in roth deva was removed from berserkers

skipping event animation is now possible by holding up and pressing ok

to do: i realized that the dark knight saw Biscuit dog, but you saw biscuit. Player needs a reason to have taka and player go see biscuit., possibly to see if biscuit knows where there parents are, Taka can read minds remember. Seems like a nice way to progress story and show the dark knights intention

Gracia necklace now gives resistances to ailments

Many of berserkers atk raising skills also raise -agi and mat to encourage diffrent builds

when visiting talent tree it will now prompt you to use your points there.

fixed wrong warping with hunters guild


The Forgotten Shards 1.7.1.zip 666 MB
Sep 11, 2024

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