1.4.7 Update Log


-The main quest "circles" expanded to include up to rabenguard

-added "arena" a boss rush mode where you can keep all gears and items if you beat every 5 levels.

-Crafting system expanded on to include not only scrolls but low level armor sets and weapons.

-Intro has been updated to be more appealing.

-changed various skills to lower levels.

-starting intro now has a Ui showing what you chose and allows you to reselect all options.

-added talent tree BETA feature starting where you get the boulder skill to move boulders, you do arenas and exchange arena points to buy talent tree


-Fixed what I think to be all save crystals to no longer remove benefecial buffs such as scrolls, buffs such as scrolls you craft shouldnt be removed from

yourself for just wanting to save.

-expanded the "how to play" section adding the new options and furthering explaing the games modes.

-Buying Talent points in arena now costs 700 points up from 300

-Enemies on normal mode were too hard at the start so damage adjusted

-Maddies talent tree done 

-**Need to make visual buff bar to show passive skills** as it is you make your build in talent point area and its easy to forget your build. Need a system UI to show you the passives.

-Buffed characters base stats, the game is much too hard in its current state at the start. Lowered many starter enemies damage.

-To fix several issues such as difficulty and items I will list [at least before you get your sister] I added a new party member in the form of a dog, the game needed some heart and it fixes several issues like adding another party member from the start so you dont get bursted down. And besides its so cute


Forgotten shards 1.4.7.zip 571 MB
Sep 25, 2022

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