1.5.1 DevLog!

-Added script to better see stats in menu and shops. This should add to the creating your character feel

-Made a scene that teaches player to switch party members in inventory

-updated the Holy power symbols in battle

-made new scenes to showcase more emotion in begenning

-removed the part in forest that you have to hit a switch, was out of place

and was 3 uneccesary parallel proccesses

-added enrage shield that can drop in tera forest

-removed another parallel proccess in Tera, giving a speedup

-arena now will have access menu when you lose a battle

-tera will now let you go to arena

-increased ATK AGI AND HP of all base characters for balance

-Kiba will party with you for Ishada fight, Ishada hits hard and i dont wanna nerf him and if he kills a party member its hard to get back in fight.

-lowered encounter rates and buffed XP of most maps

-made new game over common event 194, it makes it so I can have a more customized game over screen, the map for script is game over in overworld

-removed low level gears mid level and high level gears from crafting, its only for legendary items now. To make it abit less confusing

-fixed how to plays to reflect on current game

-added "pylons" adds stats for 200 steps, so far it adds 25% atk or 30% xp boost.

-fixed items that were labeled as blue but meant to be green

-Fixed Nightmare helmet now has a message

-adjusted price for Talent Tree scroll in arena from 700 AP to 500

-adjusted  the price for stat points in arena from 100 to 150

-fixed arena random arena points, wasnt working on any battle

-fixed sound issue not changing music in later arenas

-added "hold d" pic in talent tree it will warp you to the woman that can make you leave


The Forgotten Shards 1.5.0.zip 601 MB
Feb 01, 2023

Get The Forgotten shards 1.7.4 beta demo

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