1.5.4 Update Devlog


Due to unstable Tera Forest at the start I had to do an emergency update, i am sorry for this :c

it was caused by an old script removed that made the game crash often.

Fixed overworld left side mishaps, warping you to main overworld

Removed Beta script to kill party.

Fixed Issue in Tera forest where player could get stuck

Smite now heals allies for 10%, this is to encourage the cleric to be healng but not just using heals. 

Added new cleric Mechanic "Beacon of light" making an ally the beacon whenever you smite a target you heal heal that target for 500 hp. The beacon of light has more aggro to that character.

Added new armor for Clerics, blue enhcanted shield that allows beacon of light on all allies.

fixed old code being ran when in tera forest.

removed "patcher script"

buffed "hard modes" debuff, since adding many mechanics the game has gotten easy on that difficulty, got to bring it back


Data Update patch for 1.5.3.zip 1.8 MB
Mar 27, 2023

Get The Forgotten shards 1.7.4 beta demo

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